Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Melville Intermediate - Y8 Prep

Today was very exciting at Melville Intermediate the Y8 students got to bid on their Prep sites for next weeks market day. Prep unit is an economic one where the students go and produce goods for sale to others to buy using MISMs (Melville Intermediate School Money). Next week the students will be attempting to make as much profit as they can by selling as much as they can. Will Melville Intermediate's blog site by there? But of course! Stay tuned!


  1. What an exciting unit, you will get to see what it is like to be a businessman. Making money is fun but can be tough. I am looking forward to watching your progress.

  2. Hi my name is Kye and I in Rm 13 in Australia

    That sounds like heaps of fun. We have something a bit similar in our school that we do once a year. We have a fair day but instead of having special school money we have to use real money ... Bummer :(

    Kye ")

    P.S please comment on my blog if you have some spare time ... the address is ... http://kye13.edublogs.org
