Monday, April 1, 2013

Melville Intermediate - Paulettes Camp Photo

With last months Melville Intermediate School Camp we were very fortunate to have some wonderful parents who assisted us for the duration of Camp, Paulette, whose son Levi is in Room Five was able to help out but also gave us copies of the photos that she took and we contstructed a slideshow from what she provided.
Camp 2013 - Paulette's Photos on PhotoPeach
Thank you very much for your visit - we've got the last day of our Easter break tomorrow and will be back at School on Wednesday for week ten of our twelve week term one.

1 comment:

  1. This looks like you had a ball at camp, Room 5! Archery must have been a blast! My question for you is what was the greatest challenge you faced at camp?

    Our camp is not until September and we do the Otago Rail Trail. This is a huge challenge because we cycle at least 40kms everyday. Central Otago has a very extreme climate. Some years, it is hot and steamy and some years we see snow! It is definitely an adventure.

    Have a great short week, Room 5!

    Mrs C-M
